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President Kim Il Sung said.
“Replacing the old with the new in the fields of ideology, technology and culture is also a revolution.”
It is another content of the revolution to replace the old with the new in the field of ideology, technology and culture.
The popular masses’ independence cannot be realized fully even though an old social system is changed into a new one. After the establishment of the socialist system, factors restricting the popular masses’ independence remain as they are in a certain historical period. The backwardness in ideology, technology and culture, the remnants of old society, are the main factor that disturbs the popular masses’ independence in the socialist society, and serve as a foothold where the imperialists and reactionaries may engage in insidious manoeuvrings and further put the socialist system into danger.
The popular masses can neither free themselves from the fetters of nature and outdated ideology and culture nor perform their due responsibility and role as masters of society and thus their independence cannot be fully realized if they are backward in ideology, technology and culture, even though a new social system provided them with the position as masters.
Only when the popular masses have high sense of ideology, culture and technology to be possessed by the masters of society, can they defend the position and perform due responsibility and role as masters of society, thus completely realizing their independence.
Accordingly, three revolutions changing the old into the new in the field of ideology, technology and culture serve as an important content of the struggle for realizing the popular masses’ independence.