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Popular Masses Should Be United into Single Political Force

It is necessary to unite popular masses into a single political force in order to carry out the revolution and construction by relying on them.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said;
“In order to carry out the revolution and construction by drawing on the creative power of the people, it is necessary to unite them into a single political force.”
Uniting popular masses into a single political force is a decisive condition for carrying out the revolution and construction by relying on them.
Strength of the masses is based on unity. When they are firmly united as one, they will demonstrate really amazing strength in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.
If the masses are to be united firmly into a single political force, it is necessary to combine the class principle properly with the mass line.
Only when the class principle is firmly maintained and it is combined properly with the mass line, will it be possible to isolate completely the hostile elements and build up the class position, and educate and transform broad masses to unite them and give full scope to their creativity in the revolution and construction.
The Party should clarify the motive force and object scientifically in conformity with the character and task of the revolution and implement correctly the class principle and the mass line.
To unite all sections of the masses, except a tiny handful of hostile elements, around the Party by implementing the class principle and the mass line is the principle to hold fast to in the struggle to strengthen the motive force of the revolution.
The Party should educate and transform all sections of the masses except a tiny handful of hostile elements and unite them firmly behind the Party by thoroughly implementing the class principle and the mass line.