The Juche idea clarifies for the first time that the popular masses are the subject of history.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“The subject of the social movement consists in the masses of the people. Without the masses there would be no social movement itself, nor would it be conceivable to talk about historical progress.”
That the popular masses are the subject of history means that they are the performers who cause and accelerate the socio-historical movement purposefully, consciously and actively.
The masses of the people are a social collective combined by commonness in independent demand and creative activities centering on the working people.
Important criterion of deciding whether one is a member of the popular masses or not is decided by what kind of idea one has.
Everyone who has the socialist idea and the idea of loving country, nation and people can serve the people and, accordingly, become a member of the popular masses.
The popular masses cause and accelerate the socio-historical movement.
The masses of the people remake nature, develop productive forces and create material wealth.
Through historical struggle and activities, they not only create valuable ideological and cultural wealth conducive to social development but train progressive thinkers, excellent scientists and talented men of literature and arts.
Social relations and social system are transformed and changed in a progressive way by the awakened and united popular masses.
As the subject of history, the masses of the people become the performers who accelerate the revolutionary movement, the highest form of social movement.
Revolution and construction are work for the people and of the people.
It is the masses of the people who demand revolution and construction and have revolutionary capability and creative strength capable of accelerating the revolution and construction.
Reactionary exploiter class cannot be the subject of history.
The exploiter class is not interested in the social development of enhancing their position and role nor has the ability capable of developing society.
Whole history of class society is the history of acute struggle between the makers and the reactionaries of history, the master and the object of revolution, that is, between the masses of working people and the reactionary exploiter class, and in this process, proved that the masses of the people are the subject of history.