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The World Is Transformed by Man

Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“Having defined the essential qualities of man for the first time in history, the Juche philosophy has held up man as the best qualified and most powerful being in the world and advanced a new idea on the world that the world is dominated and transformed by man.”
It means that the world is the object that is transformed by man’s purposeful and conscious activities in accordance with his demand.
Man is transformer of the world. He is the most powerful being in the world. The world has been newly changed by man’s creative ability and new relations of transforming and being transformed has been established between man and the surrounding world since his emergence.
The world can be transformed only by purposeful activities of man.
There are also changes of movements made spontaneously without action of man, in the material world. Changes in solar movement and season are the example. That the world is transformed by man does not mean that every movement change is made by man but means that the world is transformed more and more by man’s activities. With the enhancement of his creative role, the world is transformed more and more by man’s activities.
Transformation of the world by man is made through historical process. Transformation of the world by man is limited in a certain stage of historical development, but it is inevitable that the world is transformed ceaselessly by man.
The world is changed more freshly by man’s creative role.
By man’s creative role, much more diversified things natural are processed into new social wealth, natural environment becomes cleaner and more beautiful and development level of society gets high and its feature changes better.
That the world is transformed and developed by man’s initiative activity is found clearly in man’s transformation of nature and society at present.
Nature is transformed by man’s initiative activity.
Natural movement and change are still made today without man’s action. In the process of change, nature sometimes destroys already-made living environment of the people or sometimes brings misfortune and disaster to the people.
Means of living and material and technical devices needed for man’s existence and development are created and natural environment is changed favourably, by man’s positive labour activities. Things natural like ore, coal, petroleum and natural gas that remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years are turned into countlessly diverse and valuable daily necessities and new materials. Unfavourable influence of natural and geographical environment such as flood and tidal wave, which inflict huge damage to the people, is weakened continuously by man and such environment is being further changed into the favourable benefiting the people’s living.
All natural changes that have been turned into the living environments favourable for man from the dawn of human society up to the present are the result of the people’s protracted and strenuous creative activities covering over millions of years.
Society is also reformed by man’s positive activity.
Social condition and environment favorable for man are not provided by themselves. In hostile class society, social condition and environment inflict countless miseries and sufferings upon the people.
Social condition and environment suited to the intrinsic nature of man are created only by positive struggle of the people. Outdated system and life is not abolished by itself. Outdated and reactionary forces desperately check reforming of outdated social system in order to maintain their position. Hence, process of bringing about social progress is inevitably accompanied by severe struggle against the forces who try to maintain outdated social system. Society is reformed and changed only by the positive struggle against old and reactionary forces.
New system and life is also defended, consolidated and developed only by positive struggle of the people. Already-established social system is defended, consolidated and developed only by constant positive struggle of the people without being frustrated or suffering from turns and twists.
The people-centred socialist system and the Korean people’s independent and creative life suited to man’s intrinsic nature are the noble gains of their bloody struggle for independence.
Nature and society is constantly transformed and changed by man’s positive activity. In this sense, we say that man plays decisive role in the development of the world and the world is transformed by him.