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That man is the master of everything means he is the master of the world and his own destiny.
Man is the master of the world.
It means that he is a being who subordinates the surrounding world in accordance with his will and demand.
Man, of course, is a product of long evolutionary development of nature. But man is not a mere material being whose destiny is controlled by natural law. When he was separated from the natural world, he had already been a being different from other material beings.
Man is the master of the world who is not subordinated to the surrounding world and environment like other natural beings but makes the world serve him.
Whether man is the master of the world or not is defined by whether he lives by subordinating himself to the surrounding world or he makes it serve him. Man proved that he is not a mere part of the world but fundamentally different from many living materials that live by subordinating themselves to the surrounding world through the course of overcoming difficulties and trials and changing the surrounding world into the favourable for him.
Man is considered as the master of the world in the respect that he makes the surrounding world serve him.
Man is the master of his own destiny.
It means that he decides his existence and development by himself.
Because man is the master of the world, he becomes the master of his own destiny. Because man is the master of the world, his destiny is decided by himself. Man shapes his destiny by making nature and society serve him in accordance with his will and demand. Man is the master of the world who makes the world serve him. That’s why man is the master of his own destiny.