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Establishment of Reliable and Independent Sources of Raw Materials and Fuel

Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“In order to build an independent national economy, it is necessary to establish reliable and independent sources of raw materials and fuel.”
Depending on others for raw materials and fuel is as good as leaving one’s economic lifeline in the hands of others. An independent national economy is based on one’s own raw materials and fuel. The economy depending on others’ raw materials and fuel is unable to stand on one’s own feet and serve one’s own people. Such economy is little short of dependent economy. The economy that develops on the basis of one’s own raw materials and fuel can only make steady progress, remaining unchanged in any economic upheavals.
In order to be economically self-sufficient and develop the economy in a safe and far-sighted way, it is necessary to depend on one’s own raw material and fuel sources and mainly meet one’s own need for them. To this end, it is necessary to exploit the natural resources of one’s country to the maximum and utilize them rationally, and at the same time, develop the industry into the Juche-oriented one that relies on its own raw materials and fuel from the outset.
It is impossible to develop one’s own economy from the standpoint of Juche if one purchases factory equipment depending on others’ raw materials and fuel or introduces science and technology that are contrary to the actual situation in one’s own country.