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Line, Strategy and Tactics Should Be Defined in Accordance with Subjective and Objective Conditions in One’s Own Country

Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“If one is to wage the revolutionary struggle in the way which is suitable to one’s own actual situation, one must correctly assess the subjective and objective conditions of the revolution in one’s own country and define the line, strategy and tactics in accordance with them.”
Reality is good education. If one fails to correctly assess subjective and objective conditions of the revolution in one’s own country, one suffers from subjectivism in formulating line and policy, and the subjective idea designed in one’s office is liable to make mistakes and causes a big loss in the revolution and construction.
It is important to attach bigger importance to the subjective factor, that is, the politico-ideological factor while taking into account the objective conditions, in the revolutionary struggle. When one’s own internal force is prepared and the masses’ level of ideological consciousness is high, one can advance the revolution on one’s own initiative even though objective conditions are unfavourable.
Principle of defining line and policy, strategy and tactics in the revolution is to formulate them centring on the working masses. This implies defining out line and policy, strategy and tactics in the revolution so as to enhance the popular masses’ role to maximum with their independent demand and interests and preparedness as the main.
It is necessary to define all problems arising in formulating line and policy, strategy and tactics of the revolution such as setting of goal and orientation of the revolution, properly forming of revolutionary force, deciding of form and method of the revolutionary struggle and selecting of proper period of the revolution, etc. by centring on the independent demand and preparedness of the popular masses while taking into full consideration of prevailing objective conditions and circumstances.