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It Is Important to Approach Foreign Experiences in Critical and Creative Way

In order to carry out revolutionary struggle in accordance with one’s own actual conditions, it is important to approach foreign experiences in a critical and creative way.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“A critical and creative approach to foreign experiences is important in the revolution and construction.”
Others’ experiences always reflect socio-historical conditions and national peculiarities of their country. Some of them are necessary and beneficial to one’s country and suitable to one’s actual conditions but some of them are not. One must accept what is beneficial to him and reject what is not.
Even in case of accepting good experiences of others, one must not swallow them raw but adhere to the stand of accepting them in conformity with one’s actual conditions. In doing things, it is necessary not to copy others but leap forward to go ahead of them. One is bound to follow others if one imitates others’ experiences.
It is wrong both to try to copy others blindly and to refuse to learn from good experiences of others with open mind. The question is with what attitude one approaches experiences of others. The dogmatic attitude of blindly following the experiences of others without creativity and even swallowing up what is not suitable to one’s actual conditions makes it impossible to map out correct lines and policies in conformity with requirement of the developing revolution of one’s country and aspirations of one’s people and in the long run, make it impossible to carry out the revolution and construction satisfactorily.
It is necessary for one to refer to experiences of others, but one must make effective use of one’s own experiences as far as possible. It is important not to view one’s own things with the help of others’ experiences but view others in the light of one’s own experiences.