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Method of Depending on Popular Masses Is Guiding Principle for Applying Creativity in Revolution and Construction

Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“In order to give a strong impetus to the revolution and construction, we must maintain the attitude of fostering the creativity of the masses and enhancing their creative role.”
Depending on the popular masses is to solve all problems arising in the revolution and construction by believing in the strength of the popular masses and enlisting their creative power.
It is an essential requirement for the successful accomplishment of the revolution and construction to depend on the masses of the people.
It is necessary to depend on the popular masses as they are the direct performers pushing ahead with the revolution and construction.
Key to the revolution and construction is decided by how the masses’ creative ability is enlisted.
The popular masses are the masters of the revolution and construction and have inexhaustible creative ability. Only by depending on the masses of the people, is it possible to solve successfully every difficult problem and hasten the revolution and construction dynamically. That is why it is important to believe in the people, learn from them and mobilize them.