Creativity is another essential feature of man as a social being. Man has independence and also creativity and thus is fundamentally different from all other materials.
Man is a being with creativity, that is, a creative social being.
General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.
"Creativity is an attribute of social man who transforms the world and shapes his destiny purposefully and consciously."
Creativity is an attribute of social man who transforms the world and shapes his destiny purposefully and consciously.
By virtue of his creativity, man transforms nature and society to be more useful and beneficial to him by changing the old and creating the new.
Let us study about contents of creativity.
Creativity is, first of all, a quality of social being who transforms the things and phenomena in the surrounding world actively and purposefully in conformity with his desire and interest.
Man approaches the surrounding world not passively but actively, and acts not blindly but purposefully from the independent desire and interest not to be subordinated but to dominate.
Perhaps some people can doubt whether it is creative activities that animals dig caves and build nests with twigs and leaves of trees.
Of course, their doubt is reasonable because monkeys and chimpanzees get food by using stones and sticks and beavers build embankments to protect their places by cutting trees.
But such activities of animals are never creative.
If so, methods of their activities should be changed and developed according to conditions and circumstances with passage of time. But their activities are the same in the past and at present. Animals that had dug caves thousands or tens of thousands of years ago are now still digging caves to live and the animals that had made nests long time ago are now doing the same continuously. Monkeys too have used stones and sticks for their living for years, but they have not developed the tools even a little. This means that animals activities are not creative. In other words, it shows that animals have not consciousness and accordingly, they can never make any purposeful and conscious transformation of the surrounding world.
But man is fundamentally different from this. Of course, people use sometimes the natural circumstances and living materials of the surrounding world as they are. Even in this case, they change and remake the structures, forms and characteristics in conformity with their interests and demands.
People abolish or change the unfavourable or unnecessary living conditions in their favour. They build embankments or change the flowing directions of rivers in order to prevent flood damage. Since they change and remake structures, forms and characteristics of things and phenomena in the surrounding world, they are able to dominate the surrounding world for their sake.
Creativity is also a quality to make new things.
People not only change and remake things and phenomena in the surrounding world but also create new things that do not exist in ready-made forms in the surrounding world. They are not satisfied with the given things and continuously create new things from the independent desire of the people.
The most important characteristics of the creative activity of man is that he does not confine himself to the partial changing and remaking of the given things but creates new things that do not exist in ready-made forms in the surrounding world.
Of course, this means that people do not create the materials which are not in the world but create things that have completely different quality by using materials.
Modern information equipment such as robots and computers which replace heavy labour of people with automatic machines, and the material and mental wealth necessary for the living conditions are almost the product of the creative activity of the people.
By their creative activity, man makes new things and artificial things which can not be made by nature itself and continuously expands the scope of domination of the surrounding world with these things.
Man not only changes and remakes the things and phenomena in the surrounding world actively and purposefully but also makes new things, thus being a creative being. The quality to remake and change things and phenomena in the surrounding world and to make new things are linked wit
Scientific and technical knowledge is the basic factor to define creativity, one of the essential attributes of man.
Scientific and technical knowledge is a social consciousness that reflects the essence of things and phenomena, the law of motion and methods to apply it. Man can conduct creative activity to abolish the old and create the new because he has scientific and technical knowledge. Of course creative activity of man is connected wit
What is important here is the fact that scientific and technical knowledge is not quite same with creativity although they are closely interrelated wit
Only when man has scientific and technical knowledge, would he be a being with creativity. Creativity is the concept to characterize the creative activity man makes with scientific and technical knowledge.
On the other hand, scientific and technical knowledge is the fundamental guarantee that enables man to have creativity and is the proof that he has creativity. This should be made clear.
As there is a saying "knowledge is power", man is the most powerful being in the world as he has creativity and will be a complete master of the world with continuous development of his creative ability.