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It Is Important to Arm Oneself with Revolutionary Idea of Independence and Lines and Policies of One’s Party

It is important to arm oneself with the revolutionary idea of independence and lines and policies of one’s party.
Masses of people must arm themselves with revolutionary idea of independence. Only then, can they successfully carry out revolution and construction even under difficult and complicated conditions with awareness of being the masters of the revolution and construction.
Lines and policies of revolutionary party in a country embody revolutionary idea of independence and serve as the only guiding principles of the revolution and construction in the country. Only when one is fully conversant with lines and policies of one’s own party and regards them as criteria of thinking and practice, can one be able to carry out the revolution and construction in accordance with the demands of one’s own people and actual situation of one’s own country and fulfill one’s responsibility as master of the revolution and construction.
That the Korean people establish Juche in ideology means that they arm themselves with the Juche idea and its embodiment, the lines and policies of the Party and think and act according to them.
Important in arming themselves with the Party’s lines and policies is to be well versed in the immortal classic works of President Kim Il Sung, Chaiman Kim Jong Il and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and the documents of the Party.
Works of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, and documents of the Workers’ Party of Korea are an encyclopedia that comprehends the Juche idea and its embodiment, the Party’s lines and policies. When all members of the society study the immortal classic works and the documents of the Party historically and systematically, they can arm themselves firmly with the Juche idea and fully grasp the lines and policies newly put forward by the Party.
What is important in arming themselves with the Party’s lines and policies is to be well versed in behests made by the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il to their sectors and units and regard them as principles of their work and life.
The DPRK carries out the revolution and construction with great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the only guiding principle and advances true to the ideas and intention of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.