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Applying Collectivism Is an Important Principle to be Held Fast to in Building Socialist Science

    One of the important principles to be held fast to in building socialist science is to apply collectivism.

    A socialist society is the collectivist society in which all members of society unite and co-operate in a comradely way with one purpose and interests, and the source of strength developing science and technology lies in collectivism. Man is able to perform his role as a transformer of the world actively changing the world in keeping with his demands only when he joins efforts and wisdom and comprehensively utilizes the scientific and technological successes accumulated by mankind through history.

    Scientists and technicians in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea acquire a habit of strengthening comradely cooperation and open-mindedly exchanging and widely generalizing the scientific and technical successes and experience under the slogan of “One for All and All for One!” In the field of scientific research, joint and cooperative studies are organized extensively in accordance with the scope of objects of study and the contents, and character of the problems to be solved, and solve the research projects in the forefront by relying on their collective strength. Mutual contacts and creative cooperation between scientists and technicians, between scientific research institutions, and between scientific research institutions and universities are strengthened.