Material life suited to the nature of social man is in essence the independent material life of a man as master of society.
Material life suited to the nature of social man is the affluent, equal and sound material life.
Affluent and equal material life is the one fully satisfying the demands for food, clothes and housing and the one through which all members in society lead equal and happy life.
In contrast with such demands of material life, the material life that satisfies inhuman and abnormal demands is not the sound one but the deformed and unsound material life.
Capitalist society is not a rich society as clamoured by the imperialists but the one where rich get ever richer and the poor get ever poorer.
Inequality in material life further deepens even material wealth is produced in large number in capitalist society and the rich squander their huge fortune in valueless and unavailing, luxurious and dissipated life but the poor people lead miserable life below the level of poverty.
A lot of people in capitalist society are being forced inhuman life in which they have to sell dignity of human being and even their conscience in order to survive. Hence, neither the rich nor the poor are the master of sound material life in capitalist society.
Material life suited to the nature of social man is the one being led by the popular masses in socialist society, the independent material life.
It is an important requirement of socialist economic life to provide the people wit
Today, the popular masses in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are substantially provided with all conditions needed for food, clothes and housing thanks to the popular policies of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state and thus lead equal and happy life.