Even in the past historical period, too, masses of the people put forward independent demands of a higher level and struggled for their realization once the independent demands they had raised were ac
This tells that the higher the masses’ aspiration and demand for independence becomes, the more active the socio-historical movement becomes.
History is course in which one generation is changed by another inevitably.
In the past historic periods each generation forming the popular masses faithfully fulfilled its mission in the struggle for independence.
In future of history, too, the popular masses will invariably advance along the road of independence. It is because independence is an unchanged essential nature of the popular masses. The popular masses’ aspiration for independence gets stronger along with development of socio-historical movement and, accordingly, the socio-historical movement to realize independence will develop onto a higher stage.
Aspiration for independence of the popular masses who want to advance along the road of independence is eternal justice and truth and no force on earth can check it.
Not only the past and the present but all historical eras in the future will surely be decided by the popular masses struggling for independence and history will make a fresh and ceaseless development thanks to their social movement for independence.