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World peace movement is broad movement that aspires to independence and peace and opposes aggression and war.
As history shows, the world peace movement is originated from anti-war peace movement that appeared with emergence of imperialism.
During the period of the World War I struggles against imperialist wars were waged in various forms. Of course, the then anti-war peace movement could not go beyond boundaries of individual countries mainly in Europe and other regions and failed to be organized on a worldwide scale. However, after the World War II the movement gained its rapid momentum as the democratic and anti-war forces were strengthened and the imperialist war maneuvers became more undisguised.
With the World Peace Conference held in April 1949 as an occasion, the world peace movement was formed and developed on a worldwide scale. The World Peace Council was formed in 1950. As a result, the movement was conducted all over the world assuming an organized character.
The world peace movement, which was made in such different forms and methods as demonstration, assembly and solidarity movement, was of weighty significance in thwarting the imperialist reactionaries’ move of aggression and war which was getting more frantic after the cold war.
Today the world peace movement is dynamically made as the anti-war movement opposing aggression and war policy of imperialism and renders considerable services to safeguarding the world peace.