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One Must Be Well Versed in One’s Own Things

    If one is to establish Juche in thinking, one must be well versed in one’s own things and value them and attach importance to them.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said.

    “If one is to establish Juche in thinking, one must be well versed in one’s own things.”

    Only when one is well versed in one’s own things, will one be able to solve all problems in the revolution and construction in an independent manner and in conformity with one’s specific situation and carry out the revolution and construction in line with aspiration and desire of one’s people. Only then will one also be able to love one’s country and people ardently and demonstrate a high degree of patriotic devotion and revolutionary enthusiasm.

    The people in each country should well know the history, geography, economy and culture of their own country and customs of their own people. In particular they should know well their parties’ policy, revolutionary history and tradition.

     As the people in each country make revolution in their country and struggle for prosperity of their nation they should, first of all, well know their own things, that is, history, culture and tradition of their nation. Only then will one be able to be a true patriot, a true revolutionary with Juche established.

    The Korean people should be well versed in Korean history, geography, economy, culture, national tradition and custom, in particular, the policy, revolutionary history and tradition of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Only then can they become true patriots, and revolutionaries of Korea who are armed with Juche.

    Attitude befitting the master of the revolution and construction comes from ideological viewpoint of taking one’s own things precious.

     In order to love one’s country and devote everything for prosperous development of one’s country, it is necessary to value and love one’s own things and attach importance to them. The spirit of loving and self-sacrificing for the country is born from self-awareness of not only being well versed in one’s own things but valuing, loving and attaching importance to them.

    The people with the determination to make their own things better than others’ by valuing, loving and attaching importance to them and to go ahead of others by developing their own things to advanced level of the world through devoted struggle if they are worse than others are the people with right senses.

    Leader Kim Jong Il’s saying “Keep your feet planted firmly on this land and look out over the world!” contains noble intention that we should go ahead of the world trend of development with the independent attitude of putting the interest of our people and revolution above others and believing in our people.

    It is necessary not to take to exclusivism that denies and rejects progressive ideas of mankind while attaching importance to one’s own in order to establish Juche. Rejecting and criticizing others’ unconditionally does not mean establishing Juche. Applying everything advanced that was contributed to man’s independence, irrelative of when or by whom it was created, as required by one’s taste and making it as one’s own is establishing Juche in ideology.