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Validity of Idea on the WPK’s Permanent Strategy

    Independence, Songun and socialism is a permanent strategic line that the Workers’ Party of Korea is holding fast to in the revolution and construction.

    The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.

    “The permanent strategy of our revolution and its final victory lie in marching straight along the road of independence, the road of Songun and the road of socialism, as indicated by President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il.”

    In the long period of leading the revolution and construction holding aloft the banner of Juche, the WPK has traversed the untrodden road of socialism, the revolutionary road of independence and the road of original Songun and achieved immortal exploits and precious experiences to be remained long in history.

    History of the Party, that has led the Korean people to victory without making a mistake in line or without turns and twists, vividly proves the validity of its idea on the permanent strategy of the Korean revolution.

    The validity of the WPK’s idea on the permanent strategy of the revolution is based on the scientific explanation of the essence of the revolution.

    Independence is intrinsic demand of man and life and soul of country and nation. Revolution is the struggle for independence of country and nation against all sorts of domination and subjugation. The working-class party should establish Juche and firmly holds fast to the independent line in order to lead successfully the revolutionary struggle for independence of the popular masses. Maintaining the independent line means that all issues arising in the revolution and construction should be solved in keeping with the actual conditions of one’s country and the interest of one’s people in accordance with his faith and decision. The working-class party can defend dignity of the country and nation, ensure their independent development and lead the popular masses’ cause of independence to victory only when it maintains the independent line.

    The validity of the WPK’s idea on the permanent strategy of the revolution is also based on the scientific explanation of the position and role of the force of arms in shaping out the popular masses’ destiny.

    People’s desire to live freely and peacefully as masters of their destiny is not realized of its own accord.

    Independence and Songun is inseparably linked together. Independence is inconceivable without force of arms, and the people who failed to have the force of arms cannot escape from the fate of being slaves. This is because that revolution is accompanied by fierce confrontation with all sorts of counter-revolutionary forces which disturb independent development of the masses. The revolutionary people should advance along the road of Songun under the leadership of the Party. Only then, can they brave through every challenge of history and realize the ideal of independence.

    The validity of the WPK’s idea on the permanent strategy of the revolution is also based on the scientific and original explanation of socialism.

    Socialism is the ideal and revolutionary banner of the popular masses struggling for independence. The popular masses’ independence is realized by socialism. Socialism that can completely realize the popular masses’ independence is the man-centered socialism, the socialism centered on the popular masses.

    The idea on the permanent strategy of the Korean revolution is not only the coordinates of the Korean revolution suited to the Korean people’s aspiration and her actual conditions but the guide that clearly provides the world progressives once again with the most straight road of shaping out destiny.