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    An independent world is the immediate fighting goal of humanity’s cause of independence and the foremost important fighting task facing the world people at present.

    The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.

    “An independent world is one free from domination and subordination, aggression and intervention, where sovereignty and equality for all countries and nations are guaranteed.”

    An independent world is one free from all kinds of domination and subordination, aggression and intervention, where sovereignty and equality for all countries and nations are guaranteed.

    Domination and subordination, aggression and intervention over other countries are the true character of the imperialists. The history of imperialism is the history of aggression and war, and war and domination are constant companion of imperialism.

    All policies of the imperialists are made and carried out on the basis of their aggressive and predatory character. Today the imperialists’ maneuvers to dominate the world are becoming more vicious.

    Therefore, unless domination and subordination, aggression and intervention are completely eliminated, the critical international situation that tramples upon the sovereignty of countries and nations will constantly last, and an independent international community can never be conceivable.

    Since the aggression and domination over other countries are the true character of the imperialists, the source that causes domination and subordination can be cleared and the independent world can be built when we fight till the imperialism is completely eliminated.

    Next, an independent world is one where sovereignty and equality for all countries and nations are guaranteed.

    There are big and small countries, developed and underdeveloped countries in the world but there cannot be high and low countries, countries to dominate and to be dominated.

    All countries and nations are completely independent and equal.

    To exercise their sovereignty in the international relations is a sacred right for all countries and nations.

    All countries and nations should develop the relations of friendship and co-operation on the principle of equality and mutual respect and should neither infringe upon others’ independence nor force their thought and demand upon them.

    All countries should establish equal and independent relationship each other, irrespective of the size of the country or standard of development, and should neither allow arbitrariness and tyranny of a few special countries nor submit to them.

    Only then, can all countries and nations completely realize their sovereignty and build a new independent world.