The art of Songun leadership is, in essence, an art of leadership over the masses that the outstanding leader of Songun revolution creates on the way of leading the popular masses to the revolution and construction by setting the revolutionary army forward and relying on them.
The main content of the art of Songun leadership is, first of all, the method of creating a model in the revolutionary army and generalizing it throughout the whole society.
The main thing in Songun leadership is the strengthening of the revolutionary army: this is to make the revolutionary army play full role as the vanguard and shock brigade of the revolution and construction.
Of course in the revolutionary movement, the socialist movement not only the revolutionary army but also many classes and strata, collectives like the working class, peasants and intellectuals that have interest in it take part and all of them together are the direct performers who push ahead with the revolution and construction.
And the most revolutionary and combatant collective among these classes, strata and collectives that are the driving force of the revolution is the revolutionary army. Songun leadership is the revolutionary leadership that regards the strengthening of the revolutionary army which is the best in the revolutionary spirit and organization, combatant spirit as the main thing and relies on the revolutionary army. So it enables to organize and mobilize the popular masses to the revolutionary struggle and construction by the method of creating a model by continuously strengthening the vanguard and shock brigade role of the revolutionary army and generalizing it throughout the whole society. It is the art of Songun leadership to make the revolutionary army elite in the building-up of the driving force of the revolution and to enable the revolutionary army to create a model and make all members of the society follow it in the development of the economy and culture.
Next, the main content of the art of Songun leadership is the method of fully displaying the spirit of the popular masses by dint of the revolutionary soldier spirit.
The powerful revolutionary spirit that can give full play to the popular masses’ spiritual strength is the revolutionary soldier spirit.
The revolutionary soldier spirit that has the high political and ideological quality and fighting trait of the revolutionary army contains, in the highest stage, the spirit of devotedly-defending the leader that is the main core of the spiritual strength of the popular masses.
The revolutionary army is the collective of vanguard fig
Songun leadership is the leadership that gives the decisive significance to the ideological and spiritual factor in the successful development of the revolution and construction; therefore it sets up the revolutionary soldier spirit as the model of the spiritual strength that the popular masses should possess and it enables to advance the revolution victoriously breaking through all difficulties by dint of it. It is the art of Songun leadership that enables the revolutionary army to push ahead with the revolution and construction in the forefront displaying the revolutionary soldier spirit and firmly arm all the members of the society with the revolutionary soldier spirit and energetically inspire them to the heroic feats and gigantic creations by making them give full play to their ideological and spiritual strength.
Next, the main content of the art of Songun leadership is the fighting spirit that carries out all works at a go with the unyielding offensive campaign.
It is the fighting spirit of the revolutionary army which is a combatant collective to accomplish the revolutionary tasks with an offensive campaign, concentrating all forces.
It is the art of Songun leadership to enable all the officials and the working people to set up a high goal like the revolutionary army does and carry out the work in a big scale in conformity with it, doing all the work at a go on the principle of speed campaign.
The main content of the art of Songun leadership was scientifically elucidated by the Songun idea, thus providing the powerful ideological and theoretical weapon for energetically organizing and mobilizing the wide popular masses to the revolution and construction on Songun principle.