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Songun Idea is a Mighty Idea that Guarantees the Independent Development of the Country and Nation

    Songun idea is a mighty idea that firmly guarantees the independent development of the country and nation by paying primary attention to the military affairs and by strengthening the revolutionary army, reflecting the demand of the times when the anti-imperialist class struggle is getting intensive.

    The Leader Kim Jong Il said.

    “It is the force of arms on which hinge the victory of the revolutionary cause, independence and sovereignty, and the prosperity of a country or a nation.”

    First of all, Songun idea is a mighty idea that guarantees the independent development of the country and nation because it is the idea of national independence that enables to fairly exercise the sovereignty of the country and nation.

    A sovereignty of a nation means the right of political self-determination that enables to solve all the problems in the interest of its nation independently.

    All countries and nations should exercise the sovereignty in all sectors of politics and diplomacy and they have to firmly maintain the independent principle especially in foreign relations.

    The country that doesn’t exercise its political sovereignty even if it has its own government can’t be an independent sovereign state.

    There is no one who can safeguard or bestow the national sovereignty.

    In the history there are many counties that were deprived of their sovereignty while asking for the protection of big countries, but there is no great power that secured the independence of a small and weak nation.

    The sovereignty can’t be bestowed by any international organizations and the right of political self-determination can’t be protected only by the sympathy of the world community.

    Whether to safeguard the sovereignty of a country and nation or not depends on their national power, and the best national power to safeguard its national sovereignty is the military power.

    Both the firm mettle to make its way through any aggressive maneuvers, threat and blackmail of the imperialists and the high sense of national dignity that solves all the problems by its own independent determination and judgment breaking through all the pressures and interferences of foreign forces come from powerful force of arms.

    Songun idea is an idea of giving importance to the military affairs and giving precedence to the army that puts all efforts of the country in the strengthening of the military power regarding military affairs as the top state affair, on the basis of the view that the military power is the most important in safeguarding the independence of the country and nation.

    Songun idea clarifies the way of safeguarding the independence of the country and nation depending on the revolutionary force of arms. It is a mighty self-defensive idea that enables to safeguard the destiny of the nation by its own force and is a great idea of independence that adds luster to the sovereignty of the country and nation.

    Next, Songun idea becomes the mighty idea that guarantees the independent development of the country and nation because it is an idea of national prosperity that enables to achieve the prosperity of the country and nation.

    To achieve the prosperity of the country and nation is a common independent demand of all nations.

    Economic development is an inevitable requirement for the prosperity of nation.

    It is one of the criteria of national prosperity that the people enjoy rich material life through the development of their economy.

    The country’s economic prosperity is closely connected with giving foremost importance to the military affairs.

    Without a powerful military power, the national economy can’t develop and the peaceful environment for the economic construction can’t be provided.

    Giving importance to the military affairs strengthens the revolutionary spirit and organization, fighting spirit of the revolutionary army and enables to push ahead with overall socialist construction depending on the army.

    On the other hand, the national defense industry is a sector that needs the latest science and technology and a mighty heavy industry as indispensable requirement.

    That’s why the preferential development of the national defense industry enables to achieve the rapid development of the heavy industry and all other sectors of economy by inevitably pushing ahead with the development of the country’s science and technology.

    To achieve the national prosperity, not only the economy but also all sectors like the idea and culture should be extensively developed.

    The revolutionary army is the vanguard of the development of the revolutionary idea and culture, and the development of the idea and culture is inconceivable, apart from the strengthening of the revolutionary army.

    On the revolutionary force of the arms hinges the sense of national independence, revolutionary and sound national culture.

    When strengthening the army on the principle of Songun, the sense of national independence and self-respect, national pride and sense of honor of the people certainly becomes high.

    When the resolute idea and noble morality, civilized living style and sound cultural and emotional life of the revolutionary army are predominant in the whole society, all heterogeneous ideological elements and old living style become unbearable and the ideological and cultural infiltration of the imperialists becomes impotent.

    This tells us that we can achieve the economic prosperity and give precedence to the ideology and develop the socialist national culture brilliantly, when giving foremost importance to force of arms.

    Songun idea indeed is an idea of national independence, national prosperity that enables to firmly guarantee the independent development of the country and nation by strengthening the powerful military force.