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Fundamental Principle of the Revolution and Construction Elucidated by the Songun Idea

    The Songun idea newly formulated the principle of giving precedence to the military and the principle of placing the army before the working class as the fundamental principles of the revolution and construction.

    These principles are the great programme of the revolution that enable us to win the final victory of the socialist cause.

    First, the fundamental principle of the revolution and construction elucidated by the Songun idea is the principle of giving precedence to the military.

    This is the principle of regarding the military as the top state affair, giving priority to it and submitting all problems in the revolution and construction to the military affair.

    This principle firmly guarantees the victorious advance of the revolution and construction.

    Since the people’s revolutionary struggle for independence is conducted in the fierce confrontation with the imperialists and counterrevolutionary forces, the revolution can not be pioneered and advanced victoriously, without strong military power.

    At present, the war moves of the imperialist aggressive forces headed by the US imperialists become more overt and many countries become their victims. This grave situation gives the bloody lessons of the importance and urgency of possessing the strong military power.

    The strong military power that guarantees the victorious advance of the revolution and construction can be successfully built when giving importance to the military affair, giving priority to it and submitting all other problems to the military affair.

    To constantly maintain and implement this principle gives firm guarantee to smash every counterrevolutionary move of the imperialists by building invincible military power.

    This principle also enables us to firmly defend the independent stand in the revolution and construction.

    The revolution designed to realize the people’s independence requires to firmly maintain the independent stand.

    To this end, we must possess our own strong military power.

    Only then, can we define and implement all policies independently, flatly repudiating the interference in internal affairs and pressure of the foreign forces.

    And only then, can we fairly exercise the complete sovereignty and rights to equality in the present world rampant with arbitrariness and tyranny of the imperialist and dominationist forces.

    This principle enables us to well build the self-defensive military power that helps us to advance the revolution and construction independently according to our conviction and decision without agitating in any grave situation.

    Next, the fundamental principle of the revolution and construction elucidated by the Songun idea is the principle of placing the army before the working class.

    This is the principle of regarding the revolutionary army as the main force and advancing the revolution and construction relying on it with the united strength of the army and the people.

    The Songun idea newly formulated it as the fundamental principle of the revolution and construction to push ahead with the revolution and construction with the revolutionary army as the main force.

    This principle enables us to build the driving force of the revolution to be invincible revolutionary rank.

    In the driving force of the revolution, the revolutionary army constitutes the core and main force.

    The revolutionary army is not only the armed rank that defends the anti-imperialist military front, the lifeline of the revolution but also the most powerful and militant revolutionary collective in the socialist society.

    The revolutionary army embodies the spirit of devotedly defending the leader on the highest phase, fights for the Party and the leader at the cost of its life. It has higher collectivist spirit than any other collective and high organizationality, discipline and unity.

    This principle makes it possible to build the driving force of the revolution to be invincible revolutionary rank, by setting the revolutionary army as the main and core force.

    This principle also enables us to create miracles and innovations against any trials and difficulties by enhancing the role of the driving force of the revolution.

    It is natural that the revolution accompanies trials and difficulties. The process of the revolutionary is the process of creating miracles and innovations against trials.

    In order to win victory in the revolution and construction against difficulties, it is necessary to enhance the role of the driving force of the revolution utmost with the powerful and invincible social collective as the core and main force.

    For its revolutionary quality and combatant ability, the revolutionary army is the militant rank more superior and powerful than any other social collective in overcoming difficulties facing the revolution.

    The revolutionary army has the boundless loyalty to the people’s cause of independence, inexhaustible creative ability and the highest level of unity and combatant ability.

    This makes it remove mountains and fill the sea if the Party, the leader, the country and the people ask, creating something from nothing.

    When we set the revolutionary army that does not know impossibility as the main force, we can create miracles in the revolution and construction and display the might of the driving force of the revolution on the highest phase.

    The fundamental principles of the revolution and construction elucidated by the Songun idea are the most scientific, fair and revolutionary principles that enable us to turn the unfavorable into the favorable and advance the socialist cause to victory.