Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the people-first ideology that puts forward the popular masses as the most precious and powerful beings in the world.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, for the first time in history, elucidated that the popular masses are the subject of history by applying the philosophical principle that man is master of everything and decides everything in the social history.
The popular masses constitute a social collective united on the basis of the community of independent demand and creative activity with the working people as the main.
They become the subject of history because all socio-historical movements are caused and propelled by the popular masses.
In any society, the popular masses demand the development of society and push ahead with the social development. It is the essential demand of the popular masses to be free from all sorts of subordination and subjugation and live as the master of the world and their own destiny.
The popular masses cause the socio-historical movement for realizing their independent demand.
No being in the world is more powerful and wiser than the popular masses. There is a limit in the strength and wisdom of individual but there is no limit in the popular masses’ strength and wisdom. All things in society are created and history advances thanks to the inexhaustible strength and wisdom of the popular masses.
The popular masses are the powerful force that form the absolute majority of society, unite and cooperate and grow consistently with the development of society.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism clarified that the masters of the revolution and construction are the popular masses and they are the driving force of the revolution and construction.
The revolution and construction are the undertakings for the popular masses themselves and to be carried out by them with responsibility.
The popular masses have a keen interest in the revolution and construction and also the creative strength, the revolutionary ability to push ahead with the revolution and construction.
The simple and ordinary popular masses display great strength in any society when they are brought to revolutionary awareness.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism clarified that the popular masses are the subject of history, the masters of the revolution and construction and that the popular masses are omnipotent beings in the world and thus put forward them as the most precious and powerful beings in the world.
The fact that the historic miracles of removing a mountain and filling the sea can be created when one believes in and relies on the great strength of the popular masses is the philosophical principle taught by the history of Songun Korea that has advanced with the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the guiding ideology.