Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the people-first revolutionary ideology that considers it as the supreme principle to solve all problems by thoroughly relying on the popular masses.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said.
“The strength of the popular masses is inexhaustible. It is therefore very important to believe in their strength and solve all problems by drawing on it.”
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism regards the popular masses as the most powerful beings, requires solving all problems by relying on the inexhaustible strength of the popular masses and clearly elucidates the orientation and way for the requirement.
Success and failure of all undertakings depend on how the popular masses, the dischargers, are trained and how their creativity is displayed. It is attributable to the popular masses’ position and role in social development, the revolutionary struggle.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism clarified for the first time in history that the popular masses are the driving force of social movement and the masters of the revolution and construction.
The popular masses are the subject of social movement. Social movement itself is inconceivable and history, too, cannot be made apart from them.
The popular masses are the masters of the revolution and construction and the decisive factor that remakes nature and develops society. Revolutionary struggle and construction are precisely the undertakings for and of the popular masses. They make revolution and construction by themselves to shape their destiny. They create all wealth of society and transform the world and develop history with their own efforts.
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Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism manifests the orientation and ways for solving all problems in realizing the independence of the popular masses by relying on them.
In order to carry out the revolution and construction with success by relying on the popular masses, it is important to map out correct lines and policies in reflection of the demands and aspiration of the popular masses and make them their own.
As they grasp the reality better than anybody else and have ric
The lines and policies should also be disseminated among the masses to make them as their own. The popular masses accept the Party’s line as the vital one and give full play to their hig
In order to carry out the revolution and construction with success by relying on the popular masses, it is also important to rally the broad masses into a single political force.
Strength of the masses lies in their unity and they can display amazing strength in the revolution and construction when they are firmly united as one.
In order to unite the popular masses firmly, it is necessary to educate and remold the broad masses while thoroughly isolating the hostile elements. Class struggle and the work for unity and cohesion of the popular masses should be combined properly. Only then, unity of the masses can be consolidated and their revolutionary zeal and creativity be displayed to the full.
In order to carry out the revolution and construction with success by relying on the popular masses, it is also important to struggle against everything old hindering innovation.
Passivism and conservatism, abuse of power and bureaucratism, etc. are old ideological elements hampering innovation. Ceaseless innovation and upswing can be made in the revolution and construction only when the struggle against old ideological elements is intensified.
In order to carry out the revolution and construction with success by relying on the popular masses, it is also important to conduct the mass campaign widely.
Conducting widely the mass campaign is a creative method that strengthens the working masses’ unity and collaboration and gives fullest play to their inexhaustible strength and a revolutionary method that dynamically hastens the socialist construction through the massive struggle and collective innovation. Difficult problems can also be solved successfully if they mobilize the masses’ self-awareness and creativity and organize and develop continuously the mass campaign.
In order to carry out the revolution and construction with success by relying on the popular masses, it is also important to establish revolutionary method of work.
The masses can be correctly organized and mobilized and the revolution and construction be carried out with success only when the revolutionary method of work is established along with the correct lines and policies.
The revolutionary method of work, the Juche-oriented method of work is the one that enables them to go among the masses to grasp actual conditions and seek the way for the solution of problems, to make the senior help the junior and help the masses turn out willingly to the efforts for carrying out the revolutionary tasks by giving priority to the political work. It is also the one that enables them to solve all problems creatively in keeping with the concrete features and circumstances, to share good and bad with the masses, to possess of humble and gentle character and to help the masses display creativity to the fullest extent.
As seen above, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the great guiding ideology, the revolutionary idea based on the people-first doctrine that considers the people as the decisive force propelling the revolution and construction and relies on them to solve all difficult problems successfully and press ahead the revolution and construction.