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Socialism Is Developed by United Strength of Popular Masses

    Chairman Kim Jong Il said:

    “Another Intrinsic superiority of socialism lies in the fact that the society continues to develop through the united strength of the popular masses.”

    Socialism is the most superior society which is developed continuously by high revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity of popular masses who are armed with socialist ideology and their united strength.

    First of all, socialist society is developed by high revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity of popular masses who are armed with socialist ideology.

    The process in which society develops is the process where man’s position and role is enhanced, and the process of enhancing man’s position and role is the process of increasing independence, creativity and consciousness, the essential characteristics of man. In other words, it is the process in which man’s role is enhanced in conformity with the increasing of his ideological consciousness of independence and creative ability, and social wealth accumulated and social relations improved in conformity with the enhancement of his role.

    That is why, which society is able to develop is dependent upon which society can display independence, creativity and consciousness of man to the fullest extent.

    Man’s independence and creativity are guaranteed by his consciousness and consciousness plays decisive role in man’s activities.

    That consciousness plays decisive role in man’s activities means that his ideological consciousness plays decisive role. Since ideological consciousness reflects man’s demand and interest, it determines purpose and direction, will and spirit of all activities man. That is why, main factor accelerating social development should be found out in ideological consciousness.

    Ideological consciousness propelling social development is the ideological consciousness of independence and socialist idea is the highest stage of ideological consciousness in the development of popular masses’ consciousness of independence.

    Socialist society is a society which is guided by socialist idea and developed with socialist idea as motive force.

    In socialist society popular masses arm themselves with socialist idea under the leadership of party and consider it as guideline of their work and life. As a result, they enhance self-consciousness of being masters of society and display high revolutionary enthusiasm and creativity in socialist society.

    It proves that socialism is a superior society with the highest capacity of development.

    If socialist society neglects the work of arming the masses with socialist idea and puts stress only on material interest, it will make the people egoists who know nothing but only his individual interest, drive society into stagnation and break down foundations for socialism.

    Collapse of socialism in several countries gives a serious lesson that, if stress is not put on ideology and the work of arming people with socialist idea neglected in socialist society, developing capacity of society will be paralyzed and socialist system itself crumbled.

    Next, socialist society is developed by unity and cooperation of popular masses who are armed with socialist idea.

    Subject of history is not an individual but popular masses and their strength is guaranteed by unity.

    When socialist system is established, it provides with social, political and economic conditions for people to unite and cooperate on the basis of one ideology. Comradely unity and cooperation is strengthened in socialist society because one ideology, the socialist idea, is predominant in a monolithic manner and working masses have common purpose and interest. In particular, all members of socialist society arm themselves with collectivism and help and lead each other to press ahead with socialist construction in accordance with the deepening of education in socialism.

    This is an essential superiority of socialist society to capitalist one in which people are antagonistic and hostile to each other based on relationship of domination and obedience.

    The single-minded unity of the DPRK is the unity and cohesion that is formed by rallying firmly the leader, the Party and the people into one. It is now on the highest phase. The DPRK’s single-minded unity is the unity formed with the leader as the centre, based on his ideology and established by revolutionary obligation and comradeship of the entire service personnel and people.

    That is why the DPRK’s single-minded unity becomes most powerful unity that can never be broken by anything.

    Today socialism of the DPRK is firmly defended and ever-victorious by dint of the single-minded unity formed by the Party and the revolutionary rank with respected Marshal Kim Jong Un as the centre.