It is necessary to have stand of loving country and nation
To preserve the Juche character and national character is a vital matter in the implementation of the people’s cause for independence, the cause of socialism. Success or failure of the revolution and construction, rise and fall of the country and nation are decided by whether the Juche character and national character are preserved or not.
In the immortal classic work “On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction” Chairman Kim Jong Il proved scientifically the importance of preserving the Juche character and national character and clarified comprehensively the idea and theory to consummate the cause of socialism by preserving the Juche character and national character.
What is the most important in the idea and theory on preserving the Juche character and national character set forth by Chairman Kim Jong Il is that of keeping the stand of loving the country and nation.
The stand of loving the country and nation is the noble stand of boundlessly loving and valuing one’s country and nation and devotedly serving it.
Only when having the stand of loving the country and nation it is possible to preserve the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction and advance successfully the cause of socialism in accordance with one’s people’s demands, national characteristics and actual situation of one’s country.
Then, what is important in having the stand of loving the country and nation?
First, it is necessary for a revolutionary to boundlessly love and respect the country and nation.
The destiny of an individual is inseparably connected with the destiny of the country and nation under the condition that the people live and develop in the country and nation. The country and nation is not a mere mechanical combination of individuals but a social organism rallied by certain social relationship. The individuals live in the social organism as its members and realize their demands and interests. Thus without a country and nation, man cannot think of his existence and worth of his life nor glorify the dignity and honor as man. Misfortune of the country and nation goes to the masses of the people and prosperity of the country and nation leads to happiness of all the members of the nation. The history in the past when the Korean people were forced the destiny of the ruined people under the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists and the present independent and creative happy life clearly prove that the destiny of the country and nation is precisely the destiny of the people and the destiny of an individual is inseparably connected with the destiny of the country and nation.
Those who want to shape their own destiny truly must consider the country and nation as the base of their lives and as their home of happiness and love them ardently; they must find the worth and value of their lives in devoting their all for the independence and prosperity of the country and nation.
Next, it is necessary for the people to lead a genuine life as members of the nation and devote their all to the common aim of the nation.
How people approach their own class and how they live as a member of the class is an important question, but it is more important how they live and fight as a member of the nation.
It is most important for all the people to love the country and nation, lead a genuine life as members of the nation and devote their all to the common aim of the nation, transcending differences in ideas and ideals, political views and religious beliefs, classes and strata.
Next, it is necessary for a working-class party to treasure the country and nation and bear the responsibility for their destiny.
It is important for the working-class party leading the revolution to correctly solve the class demands and national interests together in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.
There can be no pure ideals and demands of the class apart from the common interests of the country and nation. Only with the country and nation, class exists. Only when the interests of the country and nation are ensured, the interests of the class can be ensured.
Giving importance to the ideals and demands of the class and national interests totally conforms to the characteristics of the cause of socialism. Socialism is the cause of the class and at the same time the cause of the nation for development and prosperity. The developing process of the socialist society is the process of realizing the class ideals and demands and the interests of the working masses and at the same time the process of bringing about development and prosperity of the country.
If a working-class party regards only the ideals and demands of the class as the absolute and neglects national interests, it cannot fulfil the responsibility for the destiny of the country and nation. If then, it is impossible to lead the revolution and construction in conformity with the characteristics, aspirations and opinions of one’s country and nation by displaying the revolutionary zeal and creative activeness of the broad masses of the people, to correctly lead the struggle of loving the country and nation and to realize independence of the people in the end.
A party which leads the revolution and construction must think and act with the attitude of attaching importance to the country and nation and lead the masses of the people correctly to defend the interests of the country and nation resolutely and realize the development of the country and the prosperity of the nation.
Next, it is necessary to inherit the noble tradition of loving the country and nation.
To defend and add luster to the dignity and soul of one’s country and nation is the common demand and aspiration of all countries, all peoples and all members of every nation. Every nation has fine tradition of loving the country and nation which was formed in its development.
The Korean revolutionaries were the most ardent patriots who had fought devoting their all to the liberation of the country and its independent development. The whole history that the Korean revolution has started and advanced is consistent with the sacred struggle of the Korean people for the country and nation.
The Korean people’s brilliant tradition of loving the country and nation are now splendidly carried forward and developed under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
All nations should inherit the noble tradition of loving the country and nation to defend the fundamental interests of the country and nation and struggle to make their country more prosperous.