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Why is the role of ideological consciousness incomparably enhanced in the socialist movement?

    It is because the socialist movement, by nature, requires a high degree of consciousness of the people and the socialist society provides all conditions for enhancing the role of people’s ideological consciousness to the full.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said:

    “The role of ideological consciousness is incomparably enhanced when building socialism and communism after the seizure of political power and the establishment of the socialist system by the working class.”

    First, the socialist movement requires, by nature, a high degree of consciousness.

    The socialist society is built by the purposeful and conscious efforts of the popular masses. Particularly in the process of building socialism after the seizure of political power and the establishment of the socialist system by the working class, the role of ideological consciousness is incomparably enhanced.

    Capitalist society is dependent on appeasement and deception, poverty and stick but socialist society relies on the high level of people’s consciousness. Of course, control is necessary in the socialist society to some degree. But the more the remnants of old society are eliminated as progress is made in building socialism, the greater becomes the significance of people’s consciousness.

    Next, socialism provides all conditions for enhancing the role of people’s ideological consciousness to the full.

    In the socialist society only the socialist idea, the revolutionary idea of independence, prevails all over the society. In the socialist society the ideological work of educating and remoulding the people with the socialist idea is waged as a work of the whole party, the entire nation and all society and all conditions for it are provided to the full under the correct guidance of the party and the leader. Consequently, the popular masses achieve a real ideological liberation free from the oppression and restriction of all outdated ideas and fully display their revolutionary zeal and creative activity.

    The tremendous role of ideological consciousness in the socialist movement is also connected with the characteristics of the socialist idea itself.

    In general, reactionary ideology of exploiting class hampers social progress, whereas ideological consciousness of independence gives impetus to development of society.

     The socialist idea is the most independent and revolutionary idea that correctly mirrors the independent demands and interests of the popular masses and elucidates the way for its realization in a scientific manner. Therefore, the socialist idea has incomparably greater revolutionary influence than any other ideas and vigorously pushes forward the social progress.

     After all, it is certain that the role of ideological consciousness is remarkably enhanced in the socialist movement.