There is primitive, slave, feudal, capitalist and socialist society in the human history.
President Kim Il Sung said:
“Society does not mark time but moves and progresses continuously.”
The first type of society existed in human history is the primitive society.
In the primitive society people had equal position within the community and lived wit
The primitive society which lasted for ages gradually collapsed and switched over to the slave society with the emergence of classes.
The slave society is the first type of exploiting society emerged after the collapse of the primitive society.
The basic classes in the slave society were slave owners and slaves.
The class of slave owners was the ruling and exploiting class that held the state power and means of production. They owned slaves as their property, exploited them cruelly, traded them and even killed them at their own will. In the slave society slaves were the oppressed and ruled class and just no more than speaking tools. In the slave society there were free people as well as slaves. Free people were not of course the complete possessions of slave owners like slaves but were cruelly oppressed and exploited by slave owners and gradually reduced to slaves.
Like this, in the slave society slave owners had the state power and means of production all to themselves and made full possession of slaves.
The other exploiting society next to the slave society was the feudal society
In the feudal society existed private ownership of land by the feudal landowners and petty ownership of land and some production tools by peasants and handicraftsmen.
In the feudal society they maintained ruling machinery and caste system for the interests of the feudal landlord class. Caste system provided the feudal rulers and landlords with political and economic privilege and handed it down to posterity. By the result of caste system the cruel exploitation and oppression of the popular masses by feudal landlords was legalized and transmitted generation after generation.
Thus in the feudal society the feudal lords and landlords held the state power and means of production and subordinated and dominated serfs and peasants with caste.
The next society is the capitalist society.
The capitalist society is the last exploiting society of humanity in which a handful of capitalist class holds the state power and means of production and exploits working people including workers and peasants in the cruelest way.
In the capitalist society the working masses are not only exploited cruelly by capitalist class but also deprived of their primary political rights and freedom. They were reduced to wage slaves who had to sell their labors.
Due to the handful of capitalists’ boundless greed and anti-popular moves for their privileged position, inequality in material life, imbalance between material life and spiritual and cultural life and between ever-increasing independent demands of the people and deteriorating political life get worse.
The capitalist society will inevitably go to ruin owing to the aggravating inequality, imbalance, reactionary nature and anti- popular character.
The socialist society is the new type of society which is basically different from all exploiting societies.
The socialist society is the most progressive one in which the large working popular masses are the masters of the state power and means of production. In socialist society the working popular masses exercise their political rights freely and lead independent and creative economic life, and ideological and cultural life to their hearts content.
Capitalism is a grave for popular masses and socialism is a paradise for them. Along with the development of socialism the popular masses will put an end to all sorts of subordination and fetters and fulfill their age-long desire to live and develop as the genuine masters of their destiny.